Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Flamin’ Cheek

Patsy’s latest story about diets got me thinking. Is all the pain and anguish really worth a slim line vision in a mirror? You see, I’m not so sure I like the idea of being denied a little of what I fancy.

Not so long back, a skin and bone, possibly modified female, had the sheer audacity to warn me about the calorific intake of a designer, made to my very own personal specification, chocolate milkshake. Flamin’ cheek!

My reply to the sun bed veteran, who should have known better, was simple… Inside every size eight, six foot blue eyed, leggy blonde, there’s gotta be one helluva hungry bitch inside.


  1. Well put Ms JJ. I will tell you this... it takes a lot to get to that place. A place where you found love and peace with yourself. It took a long time... but I found my peace and love my food!!!!!!! =) I hope all is well honey... Hugs to you!!!

    Now pass some of that cake!!!

  2. And if it ain't too late, I might just find my piece.

  3. Yep... At peace with meself, Cecille, and there's a big piece for you at Mr Kipling's, Valance.

  4. Hey Ms. JJ... Not sure who Mr Kipling's is... but if there is a big piece for me there... then by all means, I need to go, lol!!!

  5. He makes exceedingly good cakes!

  6. Not so good really, but that's what the marketeers think!

  7. "Fondant Fancies", he calls 'em. Sickly sweet, to tell yer the truth. Yer better off finding a nice little tea shop that does homemade cakes, like me Grandma use to make.

    It's not that I can't cook, it's that I won't cook. Yer could say me talents lie elsewhere, and I'm trying to expand on 'em in other areas. ; )

  8. Now you sound like a woman after my own heart... I try my best... and my best is all i can give (it might be burnt cookies or the best cake you ever eaten... but that is all.. my best.. pass or fail)

    And my other talents... well.. I am still experimenting..

  9. Erm... Yep, I guess I'm in the research stage. The bit that's prior to the full assault into wanton experimentation, that is!

  10. Yeah... some are kinda stuck in my mind but... I am trying... Wanton... now that is a word!!! **Big grins**

  11. Well, I'm a wanton on trying. Can't seem to get it right though. I'm taking tips on pulling from a friend, but she makes it look so easy, and she don't even give the guys change!

  12. Shush... Don't tell anyone, about the change, Cecile!

  13. **finger over lips** sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhh

  14. Whoops, wrong door. Excuse me...

  15. I should fink so, too. You wanna try knocking, next time, Valance!
