Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Here We Go Again

Here we go again… just when I began to get meself together,

You looked into my sty

And saw me piggy eyes

And wrapped me hams round your sausage dipper


  1. Umm.... I want to comment but have no idea what to say. O_o

  2. Thanks for the smiles, JJ.

    Seems Miss JJ's strayed into parody territory, Miss Sweet. Made a good job of it too, I reckon. I'll leave you to ask if there's anything autobiographical about it.

  3. I do - I'm going to change the subject ...

    JJ, you've been tagged. Pop over to my blog for an explanation.

  4. You don't have to say nothing, at all, Miss Sweet. I'm happy wiv me blog being fer me personal entertainment purposes only ;o)

    Wanna see me Dolly impersonation, Cowboy?

    Ok, pop the kettle on Patsy, I'm on me way!

  5. 'Wanna see my Dolly impersonation, Cowboy?'

    Nope, the idea of your hams wrapped around a sausage dipper was bed enough. The last thing I want to see is your ass spilling out of an outsize bra. Dolly would never look the same again.

  6. Ha... You got it right on the bullseye, Valance. My hour glass figure, these days, is from the waist down!
