Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

Just having a pondering as to what I'd like for Christmas. I guess I don't really need much, to be honest, and I'm told this year's must have is a pink and purple perforated ping pong ball, but if you can't manage that, can I have a cruise ticket for this 'ere tub, please?  

Thanking you, in advance, with lots and lots of love to share.

JJ (Miss - free and single) xxx


  1. Do look a fun bunch to travel with, don't they?

  2. That brought a tear to my eye Miss JJ! What good sports and iffin' you don't mind, I'll go with ya!

  3. Thanks for the smiles, JJ. Hope you get a nice ping pong ball, too.

  4. If I don't get a pink and purple perforated ping pong ball, I've thought about talking to my mother about an alternative option. Warning: The following link requires serious parental guidance and contains more than one use of the "F" word: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=KHuDiPG4Nqk

  5. Holy sh-shinbones. Reckon you'd better have that talk with your mother real soon. And you'd better ask her to explain the difference between being free and single, and being free and shameless.

  6. Did talk to me mother over the holidays, Mister Valance, but not about me wanton ways. She doesn't care much for Chinese take aways, or that's how she would put it. So it seems I've falling into the shameless bucket!
