Monday, 26 December 2011

Is It Rain Dear?

If you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas, it may be because the reindeer were otherwise engaged.



  1. What do you call a reindeer with one eye? Of course you know the answer.

  2. Howdie Miss JJ. Happy Holliday's I hope your xmas was good if you celebrate it. If not, I hope you had a good Sunday. Just wanted to let you know I was thinkin' of ya!

  3. Aaaw, those reindeer are cute (and pesky)

    I got what I wanted for Christmas - although I didn't know I wanted it until I got it.

  4. Hey honey!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great Christmas! And I hope Santie Clause brought you everything you wanted!!! I hope you have been well honey, I miss ya!!! Hugs and kisses!

  5. Oh Petra... Boom, boom as Basil Brush would say :o) Don't suppose you seen the card with two deer striking a pose?

    Howdy Miss April, good to see you and thanks for sending the most important thing of all at this time of year... your good thoughts xxx

    Kinda makes me fink about that saying, Patsy: be careful what you wish for. Sounds to me like Mr Phots may have surprised you ;o) Let me know when you're passing this way again... wanna see the rock :o)

    Hi, Miss Cecile. Thanks for dropping by. Didn't ask for much this year and Santie was in and out whilst I was asleep so didn't even get a Christmas kiss.

  6. Not even a Christmas kiss? Darn it JJ, what did you have to go and say a thing like that for? Well, never mind. Like I keep telling you, there's a lucky fella out there somewhere, only he don't know it yet. Some day your prince will come and... oh hell... here.... x

    I'll wash my mouth later.

  7. And here's a smack-a-roo from me, Valance. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx... Seeing as it's a new year and I'm gonna do me best to be nice this year.

  8. Sheesh! Well if you're gonna be that nice, maybe you'd better have that talk with your mother first.
