It just so happens that I came a wandering by my idling blog, trying to find a piece of summit I knew I would know what it was when I see it, and what do I see. Someone selling summit I didn't want. Comment deleted!
Now, if I did want what they were clearly selling, then I wouldn't buy it from them. Hope no one was paying for their trolling marketing (s)hit. No imagination, no concept of hooking an adventure seeker, like moi, with repetitive use of a 3 letter word, beginning with S, ending in X with an E in the middle, especially when it doesn't just mean what they were implying in their lazy, gutter depravity.
As you can see, I'm still in the land of the living, bouncing along in my own way despite the current pandemic. I may be back, I may not, but if there are any more arseholes selling shit and sordid services, go elsewhere. I ain't up for you jumping on me idling blog.