Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Ouch... I think I just landed on my blog

Hello, JJ Cocker here.

Thought I’d spread my not so dainty angelic wings and venture into the world of blogging. An attempt, I guess, to develop my creative streak and keep acquainted with the real me.

You could say I’m taking a career break, at the moment. Sliding between positions, trying to pay the bills, which is far better than being caught up in a global corporation that seems hell bent on driving humanity down a single vision of one size fits all.

My dream is to write stories for the screen that inspire and lift the spirit. If my work pleases some people, some of the time, I’ll be happy. If it makes people laugh, or cry, I’ll be thrilled to bits, and if it makes people open up their hearts and minds and think about creating a better world, my mission would be complete.