Friday, 28 September 2012

London Calling

Took a call at home, today.

The woman on the other end off the line said she was calling from London.

The digital display on my phone said: "international, unknown"!

She told me, in her monotone voice, that she was calling about infected files on my computer.

I said: “No”!

She said: “Yes”!

“Oh, dear”, says I.

“But don’t worry”, the all knowing, over-confident voice continued, “I can help you”.

“Wow, really! That’s great…”

She hangs up!

Did I say something wrong?


  1. Maybe it was the way you said it?

  2. Sounds like my kind of phone conversation - brief, no tiring and enigmatic...

  3. JJ, come on over to my blog. I have cake for you ...
